Greenhouse Automation System Market Size And Forecast

Greenhouse Automation System Market size was valued at USD 22.68 Billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 51.8 Billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 13.7% during the forecast period 2024-2030.

Global Greenhouse Automation System Market Drivers
The market drivers for the Greenhouse Automation System Market can be influenced by various factors. These may include:

Growing Need for Food Production: As the world’s population continues to rise, so does the need for food. Higher yields are achieved via precise control over environmental elements including as temperature, humidity, and light, which is made possible by greenhouse automation systems.
Growing Demand for Resource Efficiency: Water, electricity, and fertiliser use are all optimised by greenhouse automation systems. Growers are using automation to reduce waste and boost efficiency as worries about the environment and the scarcity of resources grow.
Technological developments: As sensor technology, data analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) continue to progress, more advanced greenhouse automation solutions are now possible. With the help of integrated systems, growers can monitor and regulate their crops in real time and make data-driven decisions for improved crop management.
Climate Change and Unpredictable Weather: The need for controlled settings in agriculture has increased due to climate change and unpredictable weather patterns. A certain degree of protection from unfavourable weather is offered by greenhouse automation systems, enabling steady and dependable crop production.
Manpower Shortages and Increasing Labour Costs: Finding qualified agricultural labour is becoming more difficult in many areas, and the price of manual labour is going up. By automating repetitive processes, decreasing the need for human labour, and boosting operational efficiency, greenhouse automation solves these problems.
Government Initiatives and Incentives: Governments around the world are encouraging the use of modern farming technologies and offering incentives for the adoption of sustainable agriculture practices. Growers are encouraged to invest in greenhouse automation systems by grants and subsidies.
Demand from Consumers for Sustainable and Locally Sourced Produce: The uptake of greenhouse technology has been propelled by consumer desires for sustainably and locally sourced produce. Greenhouses meet customer demands for ecologically responsible practices by enabling year-round manufacturing and reducing emissions associated to transportation.
Growing Public Awareness of Precision Agriculture: The use of automation and technology to precisely regulate farming variables has become more popular in precision agriculture methods. A crucial element of precision agriculture that enhances resource management is greenhouse automation.
Growing Investment in Agriculture Technology (AgTech): AgTech has seen a surge in funding from venture capital firms and agricultural businesses, leading to the development of more sophisticated and effective systems as well as increased investment in greenhouse automation.
Impact of Global Pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic brought attention to the weaknesses in international supply chains. As a result, there is now more emphasis on small-scale, controlled-environment farming, where greenhouse automation is essential.






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